Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Nobody likes you when you're 23....

Okay, so it may be two weeks late, but in honor of my 23rd birthday here are 23 killer facts about me. 23 is a good number.... Oh yeah. And some pics from my party. Thank you my lovely friends for being there. You mean the world to me!

1. I am terrified or flying. I really won't eat 3 days before I have to fly. Yes, it is always 3 days before.
2. I have a terrible fear of gas stations. haha. Seriously, somedays I only get 5 bucks in gas because I thing i will explode if I stay there any longer. haha.
3. Golden Girls is probably my favorite TV show ever.
4. I love peanut butter, but I HATE peanuts.
5. Probably the biggest pet peeve is when people park their cars on the wrong side of the street.
6. Pizza is my favorite food ever. What's funny is the only man I have truly loved was the one that used to deliver my pizzas. haha.
8. If I could live anywhere in the US it would have to be San Francisco. LOVE IT!
9. I sleep with my window open everynight. Even if it is 10 degrees outside.
10. My favorite color is black.
11. I love baseball. It is really the only sport I like. GO INDIANS!
12. I listen to the same band every night before I go to sleep.
13. I won't wear clothes that have touched the floor. I think floors are sick.
14. My best friends are a 2 year old and a 3 month old. They're the best I know. They're my only hope I have in the world.
15. I have a really hard time watching a movie the whole way through. Can we say ADD?
16. I still sleep with my baby blanket.
17. Me and one of my best friends (he shall remain nameless) used to run around random parks late at night in Brigham City. Naked. haha.
18. My favorite number is 3.
19. I won't sleep inside sheets that other people have slept in.
20. I usually whistle along to music instead of singing it.
21. I hate bugs. If there is one in my house I kill it, but hands down, everytime I kill one I apologize to it before I do it.
22. It is my dream to adopt a few of every kind of farm animal that is killed for it's meat and keep it as my pet on my own farm. Everything on earth deserves respect and love. And I want to prove that it can be done. My hippie side shines through most days....
23. Sometimes I really hate that I have tattoos. I get over it pretty quickly though.